Re: [Evolution] Problem replying to all

I want to thank both Guenther and Eric.  I'll check the setup of
Netscape at the office tomorrow, but I'll wager that you are correct
about the automatic appending of the domain.  I wish that I could help
coding for this project, but, alas, my only claim of skill is to
appreciate Evo as a terrific tool for the GNU/Linux desktop with a
supporting community that is as essential to its success as its
visionary publisher.


On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 21:31, Eric Lambart wrote:
To (hopefully?) make what Guenther said a little more clear, Netscape
and Mozilla (and most of the many other mailers I've used) allow you to
set the default domain for "naked" addresses (like "ban" or "fischetti"
or whatever) to something like "".

Evolution does many wonderful things, but it not do this.  Evolution
doesn't have any concept of a "default domain", and so it just tells
your mail server to send mail to "ban", and apparently your mail server
also doesn't append a default domain name to the address.

In the real world, of course, "ban" is an invalid address, because it
lacks a domain name.  I actually thought Evolution validated e-mail
addresses, so it would recognize that "ban" alone is an invalid
address.  But I just tested it, and indeed it does not.  I swear it used

So, until Evolution supports a default domain setting (I wouldn't hold
your breath), if you really need to send mail to "naked" addresses, the
only thing I can think of to do is add a nickname for them to your
Contact list.

For example, if you have Gerald Banner in your contact list, go to the
"Details" tab of his contact record, and you will find a Nickname
field.  Set this nickname to "ban", and any mail sent to "ban" will go
to the proper address (assuming you have set "ban mydomain com" as the
Primary Email address for Mr. Banner).

I realize this may be a pain in the butt if you have hundreds of
possible names, with new ones being added and old ones being taken away,
but that's the way it goes for now unless you want to contribute the
code for default domain support to Evolution.


On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 16:26, Dick Roth wrote:
The question then becomes:  where does this get truncated?  When the
identical original email is "replied to all" via Netscape 7.xx, it sails
though the post office with no trouble.  Could there be a limit to the
length of the recipients list?


On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 10:35, Dan Winship wrote:
from the bounce:

----- Transcript of session follows -----
553 5.0.0 "BANNER GERALD P." <ban... Unbalanced '<'
and then in the message body:

Cc: Joe Fischetti <fischetti mycompanydomain>, Paul Conroy
<conroy mycompanydomain>, "O'SHEA DANIEL F." <oshea mycompanydomain>,
"ALUSOW NANCY J." <nalusow mycompanydomain>, "PAYNE DANIEL J."
<payne mycompanydomain>, "STOKES GRANT H." <stokes mycompanydomain>,
Note the address at the end. It's missing the "@domain" part.

-- Dan

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