[Evolution] Evolution Task / Palm Todo Categories

Hey guys,

I'm nearing my wits end on transferring categories between the Palm and
Evolution. I know there was a patch written at one time, but I can't get
the source for Evolution 1.2.4 to compile without some serious effort. I
can't find the patch either after a few google searches.

Does anyone have a Redhat 7.3 and Redhat 8.0 binary of libetodo_conduit.so
that has category support? If you do, please send it this way, and I will
be eternally grateful. This is my biggest concern with Evolution, and it
will be a very happy day when I can look at my task list and see
everything ordered by category.


  Craig Maloney  (craig ic net)        http://ic.net/~craig
  Don't go around saying the world owes you a living.  The world
  owes you nothing.  It was here first.  -- Mark Twain

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