Re: [Evolution] Printing Contact List

On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 20:15, Mark Gordon wrote:
On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 10:49, Maurice O'Connor wrote:

I am running MDK 9.0.  I am trying out Evolution 1.2.  I am having
trouble printing my Contact list.  I get an error message that the
component that handles folders of type "contacts" has unexpectedly quit.
I am new to linux and am at a loss as what to do.  Help!

There seems to be a bug in gnome-print on Mandrake 9.0.  I say this
based on having seen the stack trace when trying this myself on Mandrake

-Mark Gordon
Thanks for the reply.  I am patient and will wait for the bug to be
fixed.  It is not critical that I print the Contact List.
Maurice O'Connor <bill ocons com>

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