Re: [Evolution] Error trying to recieve mail

On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 11:46, LinuxRocks wrote:
EVO List, Winmail Support Personel,

I have been having this problem with Evolution (Verion 1.4.4) and my mail
server, Magic Winmail 3.0(Build 0808). When I set up my pop account and try
to pull mail, I get this error while pulling mail. One note, however, is
that I will pull 3 to 4 mails before I get this error, which is:

Error while 'Fetching Mail':
Cannot get message 1061370738.605.2856,S=3974: Input/output error

I have looked for this error in the Ximian KB and there was an article that
talkd about unchecking the POP3 extentions in the recieve options to
eliminate this. I have done this and it still gives me this error. Winmail
support told me to try to reboot my machine as they do not seem to have this
problem with their copy of Evolution. I have done this as well, and as I
state below, have even reinstalled a new fresh Red Hat 9 system and still
get this error.

On the Winmail server, I get this in the POP3 logs:

08/20/2003-08:23:03    744 Connect from
08/20/2003-08:23:03   2936 unrecognized command = CAPA
08/20/2003-08:23:03   2936 login success: jgiles
08/20/2003-08:23:03   2936 unrecognized command = CAPA
08/20/2003-08:23:03   2936 Error: pop3 receive exception (Receive)

The above suggests that the 'don't use pop extensions' feature isn't
enabled for that account.  Still, it doesn't look, at least from that
log, that it should be causing any specific issues, assuming the server
is properly returning an -ERR response code to a command it doesn't

You can find out at the evolution end what the protocol exchange is by
running evolution with CAMEL_VERBOSE_DEBUG set to 1 in the environment,
and looking at its output in a terminal window.

3-4 messages?  Does it always stop on the same message?  Can you try
moving that message manually on the server?  It looks like the error is
coming from the server.

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