Re: [Evolution] new mail popup & gnome2 applet

On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 17:15, guenther wrote:
Is anyone implementing this (a popup window when new mail arrives)? Can
someone give me pointers where in code this would need to be inserted?

Pop-up windows are Evil (TM) as they can steal focus at inappropriate
moments.  A nicer way is to put an icon into the notification area.

There are a couple of mail notification Gnome applets and tools (gkrellm
can this too) that tells you about your unread mails.

I am currently using the Gnome Inbox monitor to notify me of new mail on
one account and gkrellm to notify me on another account.

My setup is as follows:

fetchmail collects mail from an IMAP account and a POP3 account.
procmail grabs the POP3 mail and sort them into a set of folders in a
mail directory. The IMAP mail will go to the local spool

Evolution's default mail account collects mail from the local spool and
filter them into different evolution folders.

A second mail account is set up to read (actually just display) the
directory that contains the procmail-filtered POP3 mail.

So, now gkrellm is set up to show new mail in some of the mailbox files
for the POP3 mail while Gnome Inbox Monitor notifies of new mail in the
local spool. (The new mail is only there until evolution fetch it).

So, I have a general idea of new mail arriving, but it is not accurate.

It would be much better if Evolution had a mechanism to indicate (in the
Panel notification area, or similar) to show that new mail is available
in evolution.

Or are there other ways to integrate someting like gkrellm or Gnome
Inbox Monitor with Evolution?

Andre Truter    Software Engineer   Registered Linux user #185282
ICQ #40935899   AIM: trusoftzaf

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