Re: [Evolution] Contact List broken (bug hunting season opened)

On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 17:04, guenther wrote:
cheers( folks && coders );

My personal bug hunting season just opened. Just getting hot about it...
;-) More will come.

I just filled bugs about 'Contact Lists' (more than one address with one
name) and 'Contact List View':
 #37351  Contact List drag-n-drop broken (list view)
I'm almost positive this is a dup (I remember seeing this bug in the 1.2

 #37352  Deleting Contact List broken (list view)
Can't reproduce this at all, at least in 1.3.

btw: Jeff, please don't instantly mark them as invalid. I will watch
them... ;-)
Jeff isn't the addressbook maintainer :)


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