Re: [Evolution] POP3 & avoiding spam downloads

On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 17:55, ahimsa wrote:
Thanks both to HvR and Bob Haddleton for your rapid responses to my
previous email regarding Evolution and spam. As far as I know, the POP3
protocol does allow one to 'scan' the account/file without downloading
its contents, and - through the filters one sets into the 'scanning'
program - delete some files while downloading others once the 'scan' has
completed its job. The spam buster that I used with KMail was
'mailfilter' - a small program where one wrote one's own sets of rules
(as is often the case) - and once that had finished I could download the
mail that had not been deleted. My query concerned how I could set that
up using Evol 1.2.0 prior to the downloading ('fetchmail') option
commencing. HvR came pretty close to answering this, but if either he
(or someone else) could elaborate a bit more for this n00b, that would
be immensely helpful.
[cleaning out folders]

Pegasus (windows freeware) has long had a pop3 feature that it called
"selective POP download".  It was also implemented well in HandMail 2.0
for Palm OS and sometimes worked, but was confusing to configure for the
mail component of StarOffice 5.2.

It works like this in Pegasus and HandMail.  Instead of "check mail" 
you can "download the headers" only.  Once the headers were downloaded,
you could mark them to "do nothing", "move from server", "copy from
server" or "delete from server".  It was a great management tool.  Why
isn't it implemented in more POP MUAs in general, and in Evolution, in
Arthur S. Alexion <arthur alexion com>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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