Re: [Evolution] No spellcheck for 1.2.1 under RH8?

On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 21:10, William Pietri wrote:
After upgrading to RedHat 8, I can't get spell-checking working on my
machine. The gnome-spell-component-0.5 program always fails with a
SIGILL. After a bunch of poking at it, I'm stumped.
I know others had this problem, so I'll mention a partial solution here.

It looks like the more common symptom is that spellchecking just doesn't
work, and that it can't be turned on in the settings.

Radek Doulik of Ximian was kind enough to give me some suggestions.

      * remove ~/.gnome/gnome-spell
      * remove ~/.aspell*
      * reinstall *spell* packages
      * remove aspell package and build aspell from sources (be sure
to use /usr prefix for configure: ./configure --prefix=/usr)
      * remove gnome-spell package and build gnome-spell from sources,
        again in /usr prefix
After following all of these steps (with a lot of installing of
libraries in between), my spellchecking now works again. Thanks, Radek!


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