Re: [Evolution] Changing columns globally?

On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 16:58, Laurent Julliard wrote:
Date. Is there a way to change this setting globally or do I have make 
the change in every folder ?
This might be a FAQ.  (I know I asked it a while ago.)

Set the folder the way you want all folders to appear.  Then go to View
| Current View | Save Current View.  Select "Replace Existing View" and
choose "Messages."  Now all folders using the Messages view will look
like this folder.  This works for me and I'm using Evolution 1.2.x.

(You might find you have to go through your folders and reset them to
use the message view, as you've probably gone and customized them.)


Jason Tackaberry  ::  tack auc ca  :: 705-949-2301 x330 
Academic Computing Support Specialist
Information Technology Services
Algoma University College  ::

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