Re: [Evolution] HELP! Evolution won't start anymore...

Its easier using LD_LIBRARY_PATH to check this, fwiw.

But yeah, on irc this seems to have been the problem with mozilla
upgrades, simply a library path problem, which shows up if you run
wombat by itself i think.

On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 05:51, Mark Gordon wrote:
On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 13:40, Jens Lautenbacher wrote:
Tony Earnshaw wrote:

tir, 2003-02-18 kl. 15:12 skrev guenther:


Yesterday I installed mozilla 1.3b and got the same error. The FAQ lists 
old version of mozilla-nspr as one of the reasons. I downgraded back to 
mozilla 1.0.x and problem went away.

May I suggest installing mozilla 1.2.1 (latest stable)? ;-)

Mozilla got huge speed improvements with version 1.1, so I would prefer
that one.

AFAIK the problems are with the beta mozilla (1.3b). No problems here
with mozilla 1.2.1 downloaded from

RH 7.2++++, Gnome 1.4, Evo 1.2.1

I don't understand this bit of the thread. Last weekend I installed
Mozilla 1.3b, the .tar.gz version for Linux. Chose to install (as root)
in /opt, where I put all my stuff that could conflict with anything

No problems. All Mozilla 1.x libs are in /opt, all the old stuff in
/usr/lib, no conflicts. Why should there be? Are people installing rpms
or something?


yes. I have the xft 1.3b release RPMS for RH80 installed... I'll try 
downgrading to check if they are the problem.
Installing in /opt will be my next thing to do then, of course (maybe 
the rpms are even relocatable). But first I want to see if my evolution 
problem get's fixed.

IIRC, the problem is that some mozilla packages put the shared libraries
used by Evolution in directories that are neither in /etc/ nor
in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  Try adding /usr/lib/mozilla-1.3b (I think that's
the directory; you may want to double-check) to /etc/ and
running /sbin/ldconfig (as root).  If Evolution starts after that, then
you know what the problem was, and you should be able to continue using
the latest bleeding edge mozilla.  Keep note of this trick, as you'll
need to repeat something similar with each subsequent bleeding edge

-Mark Gordon

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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