Re: [Evolution] Font strangeness in 1.3.

On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 11:47, Not Zed wrote:
Hrm, looking at gtkhtml source, it looks like pressing F12 will dump the
html tree to stdout.  That might show something up if it works ... but
its probably the html converter anyway.
Will try. 

I think it's just the font it's using. Previously, the bold face and the
normal face (of the font used by Evo 1.2) were sufficiently different
that you can tell the difference at a glance. With the font used by Evo
1.3 on my box, however, the bold face isn't as different, and it's hence
much harder to tell new mail from old.
Maybe its your screen/resolution, i've got a 1024x768 lcd screen and its
pretty obviously bold in that screenshot.  I dont know what can be done
about it, other than turning off antialiasing/trying a different font. 
Sub-pixel emboldening would allow a "finer" bold, perhaps that is the
OK, I'll play about with it later. It's not wonderfully important. I'm
getting slightly more used to it as I keep trying evo 1.3 anyway.

Sigh, now i can't even start the main window!  10 pm anyway, might crack
a pale and watch Australia beat Zimbabwe in the cricket ... (might make
it more interesting if they didn't though !)
I may be imagining it, but I seem to get fewer segfaults at startup if I
keep changing folders during the startup period while it's checking all
the mailboxes for new mail (before actually displaying the mailboxes I
just clicked on, I note with disapproval :)


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