Re: [Evolution] HTTP Proxy for downloading images.

On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 01:31, Camron W. Fox wrote:
I followed the instructions on

[cwfox Narsil cwfox]$ gconftool --type=bool --set
/system/gnome-vfs/use-http-proxy "TRUE"
[cwfox Narsil cwfox]$ gconftool --type=string --set
/system/gnome-vfs/http-proxy-host ""; 
 [cwfox Narsil cwfox]$ gconftool --type=int --set
/system/gnome-vfs/http-proxy-port "8080" 

with no joy. Any further suggestions?
I think that's the gnome2-way of doing it.  

Try, vi ~/.gnome/Gnome


erik bagfors nu
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