Re: [Evolution] Why I love Evolution

ons, 2003-02-26 kl. 21:09 skrev guenther:

Evo is all over warts and blemishes and smells under the armpits, but
it's very tender hearted and loving of character.

ROFL -- had a drink, hadn't you? ;-)

ROFL - Rot Off Foul Luser ...

Actually, there was a reason for just this praise at just this moment.

I use 1.0 with much pleasure, have done for a couple of
years, since build 631.

However, OOo also has a groupware project that keeps on promising
different groupware solutions, has done so for months and months and
nothing ever comes of it. Last time it was Mozilla, now it's something
else. I'd introduced OOgw's Gary to Horde's Chuck just before Christmas
and felt I'd done a good deed, left them to "find each other." But they
never did.

Just before I posted to this list, OOogw's Gary came up with yet another
new suggestion for groupware, I exploded on the list (haven't dared go
back) and said that they could "rot op" (Dutch invective) or "dra dit
pepper'n gror" (East Norwegian invective) and I wasn't leaving Evo for
anything, anyway.

Then I started asking myself why I liked Evo so much, found out that
since 1.0.0 it had never actually ruined any of my data, nothing, and
decided to let the list know :-)

Evo's got its faults, goodness knows. But at least it's not vaporware
and it doesn't run under Windows. If someone had paid me a quid for
every time I've had to mop up and start again from scratch (all mail
folders blown away, lost documents, restart workstation etc etc) with
Windows mailers of all sorts, I'd have been rich long ago. With that
nice con artist wearing his owl glasses looking over my shoulder and
telling all like me just to wait for the next version, which would solve
all our problems. He's still telling them, they all believe him.

So that's why.




Tony Earnshaw

When you rob a person of his illusions,
you are robbing him of his happiness

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl

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