Re: [Evolution] anti-virus routines

fre, 2003-01-03 kl. 20:27 skrev ahimsa:

I use clam anti-virus and was wondering if anyone knows of a way to scan
all incoming mail with the clamAV. The process I was thinking of would
be to simply initiate clamAV to scan recursively through the
~/evolution/local/Inbox/* directory. This would seem the most straight
forward approach, but was wondering if anyone can (a) think of a better
way of doing this and (b) how I could run this script each time the
fetchmail script finishes.
Just curious as to what viri you're scanning for on a Linux machine.
Yes, I know about most Unix/Linux Trojans, but not Linux viri.




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

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