Re: [Evolution] LDAP server update with Evolution

On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 01:41, Chris Toshok wrote:

Hm, but that's exactly what I did with my test..  The cn was "Account"
and I changed it to "Account Test" without clicking on the button and it
worked (sn shows up as "Test").
Here it is:

You're right, I tried with an existing ldap entry which has a 
cn=John and I add "Smith" in evolution it works great (adding to the
LDAP server with Smith as sn)


my existing ldap entry already has a cn = "John Smith"
Hence the "Full Name" field is already filled with "John Smith"
And from this full name evolution doesn't pick up the sn. That's the

Try this

Add the following to your LDAP server

        dn: uid=accounttest,dc=xtoph,dc=org
        uid: accounttest
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: account
        objectClass: posixAccount
        uidNumber: 1001
        gidNumber: 1001
        homeDirectory: /home/toshok
        cn: Account Test

Go to evolution and try everything you can to add an email address.
I bet you can't ;-)

Joaquim Fellmann <mljf altern org>

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