Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.2.1 shows Euro sign in subject =?iso-8859-15?Q?=28=A4=29?= line but not in message body??

On Fre, 2003-01-24 at 17:05, Paul Hands wrote:

Subject says it all, really. 
If I cut and paste the Euro sign above, it shows as an underscore
here  €
Shows the € sign corerctly here, both in the subject and your mail.

It's a question of having the language set up correctly with your libc.

For Linux and glibc:

I have 'LANG=de_DE euro' in my /etc/environment (or /etc/profile or
~/.bash_profile or whatever), and 'de_DE euro ISO-8859-15' in
/etc/locale.gen. Evo then uses the correct character set. Also, the font
it uses to display the message must have the euro symbol, of course, and
you must have run the locale-gen program after editing /etc/locale.gen
(as root).

This is with a quite recent glibc (2.3.1), and I run Debian, but things
should be very similar everywhere.

-- vbi

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