Re: [Evolution] I need help syncing my Handspring Treo USB with Linux

--- ThinKer <thinker thoughtprogress com> wrote:
ultimately like to sync my Treo 180 USB with

FWIW, I have a treo 300 (cdma version of treo).  I
went crazy trying to sync it with Evo over the USB
cable for a couple of weeks.  I found an e-mail from
one of the visor module developers (I think).  I found
this awhile ago, so  I might have that wrong:

My solution was to pay out for the treo serial hotsync
cable.  You can get one for around $20 on e-bay.  It
works fine with Evo for all conduits, as expected. 
hopefully someone will patch the visor.o module soon
(I can't program to save my life!).


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