Re: [Evolution] IMAP rewrite

On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 22:29, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 22:47, Ettore Perazzoli wrote:

If we start throwing in ideas for a better IMAP implementation, we
should probably consider the issues with the current offline support as
What problems does it have?
From my point of view it does not exist as of 1.2.1

It is not possible to select what must be replicated and what should
not. As a result, you never know what evo has cached locally and end up
frustrated because that document you needed to retrieve from your
mailbox during that important meeting is not there while the next
message with the goatse pic has been nicely copied just before you went
offline. It is so useless that no offline support would be exactly the
same, save perhaps for the fact that you can now browse the headers

My solution : I use offlineimap to synchronize my IMAP folders to a
local maildir tree. I open the maildir tree from evo. When offline, evo
has the maildir tree all to itself. When online, evo still uses the
local maildir but offlineimap syncs it both ways with the server every
minute. From a user point of view, it has many advantages : is perfectly
transparent, local maildir access is about as fast as remote IMAP
access, and when I unplug the RJ45 I have the peace of mind that all my
mail follows me around.

In fact, I don't really know if I should always use evo in that mode, or
just launch offlineimap before I unplug, and then switch accounts in
evo. Anyone else has tried ?

In addition, I have offlineimap running on a machine at home to keep a
backup copy of my mail in case somebody drops hot chocolate on my laptop
while the mail server is taken over by evil leprechauns.

Instead of rewriting everything, just shoehorn offlineimap into evo with
a nice configuration interface, and offline support will be both fast
and feature complete. This is open source : no need to reinvent the
wheel. That said, being no developer I can't judge the quality of the
offlineimap code and not being the guy who is going to work on the IMAP
code in evo I have no idea how suitable this idea is. I just feel as a
user that this tool embodies what I'm looking for and that if evo does
it that way I will be fully satisfied.

Have a look at offlineimap :
Available in a distro near you.

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