Re: [Evolution] Reading Multiple Messages

On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 14:18, Andrew wrote:
Hi, I'm using Evolution 1.4.0 and am a bit disappointed.  I recently
switched over from MS Outlook, so I have little to complain about, but
the mail reading is much less smooth.  I don't use the preview pane, so
I double-click on the first new message.  Then, in Outlook, whatever I
do to that message--whether delete it or move it somewhere--the next
message automatically opens in that window.  There are also Next and
Prev buttons.  Evolution doesn't have any of that; the mail window you
open is for that message only, making reading multiple messages much
more difficult.

Any option to change that, or plans for implementing that in the future?

Also, why is it so bloody impossible to copy and paste from within said
message windows?!


I have filed a bug #44476 regarding the inability to read the next
message smoothly after deleting the first message.   The response was
that this was not a bug.  The ability to smoothly read multiple messages
may be re-integrated into a future version of evolution, such as 1.6.

The suggested workaround from ximian was to use the preview screen to
read messages.  My workaround is to use evolution 1.2.4 and ignore 1.4. 
Or perhaps you could write a bug report that will get an earlier
response from ximian. 

Ralph Sanford       -       If your government does not trust you,
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