Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.0 UI proposal

On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 08:23, Jack Coates wrote:

On the other hand, if we go this way we are probably also going to
drop the following features:

    * The summary.  While the summary is neat, there is a general
    * The shortcut bar.  It's been shown that only a relatively

wouldn't miss either one -- when I accidentally end up on the summary
page it always surprises me because I forgot it was there :-)
I suppose if there was a way to set Evolution so that it would always
open on the Summary page whenever I started it, then I'd look at it more
often.  But yeah, I only see it when some other component crashes, and
it surprises me too.  I won't miss it.

The shortcut bar has been a necessary evil.  I'd like to see it gone as

Here's a feature from Eudora that I would love to see implemented in
Evolution.  Whenever replying to an e-mail, I would love to be able to
highlight a section of the original e-mail and have only the highlighted
portion appear in the reply.  That would save me having to delete large
amounts of text when I only want to reply to a single sentence or
paragraph (like in this e-mail).

I would also love to see synchronization with the categories I've set up
on my Palm Pilot.  I use the categories a lot and would like to use the
same categories easily on Evolution.

Oooh!  And a port to Windows! Evolution is the best groupware product
I've used, much better and feature-rich than Outlook, but there is no
equivalent available in Windows -- here is one arena where Linux has
surpassed Windows on the desktop (way to go, Ximian!).  I know a Windows
port will probably never happen, but a fellow can dream, can't he?

Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
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