Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.0 UI proposal

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 20:09, Brett Johnson wrote:
This is a great idea!  It's currently very clumsy to have to open Local
Folders & Other Contacts to get to my calendar/contacts/ldap.  I like
this solution very much.  It seems like using tabs might be better from
a HIG standpoint though.  Less confusing, as folks generally don't
expect a button click to drastically alter the entire view modally (and
the tab abstraction is pretty universally understood).
Yeah, it's true that tabs are a more standard UI; however, they are
smaller (so they are not as easy to click) and they take more vertical
space in the view.

(Please note that, although it's
          not obvious from the mockup, we would still have a mail
          folder tree, the same way we have it now.
And the tree will still be collapsable, right?  Please?  Pretty Please? 
And we'll be able to configure the heirarchy (i.e. which folders appear
under the "On ..." headings)?
The hierarchy would be based on where the messages are, i.e. local mail
would be separate from IMAP mail and so on.

It would be nice to have the order fully configurable, however that's a
sizeable chunk of work so I don't know if it will make it...

-- Ettore

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