Re: [Evolution] Several Issues/Suggestions with Evolution

Well, asking is not complaining -- but oh well...

1. Seeing deleted messages
I use spamassassin to delete spam. My imap server is remote, so I use a
local copy with a perl script(imapassassin) to bring in the messages for
processing, then send the commands to mark the spam for deletion on the
server, after copying them to a special spam folder for later perusal.
Typically, when I go into an already running Evolution, it refuses to
acknowledge any emails were marked for deletion. It may see new mail as
it comes into that folder, but it still does not see new marks for
deletion. In order to purge the mail, I have to restart Evolution
This one seems to be a fault of the script doing the dirty work for you.

3. Killing evolution
Up to ev1.2, there was a killev command that worked wonderfully. With
1.4, you claimed to have fixed the problems, and brought the killev
functionality into the evolution command itself. Well, I still have the
same problems(notably ev sitting around waiting for IMAP commands to
finish, which I won't address here). And your new ev-killing switch does
not appear to work. I now have to kill each process one by one. And I
have to do it about once a day, due to problem #1 above.
The new killev is 'evolution --force-shutdown'. However, there was a bug
that only would try to kill Evolution, if called as 'evolution-1.4'.
This has been solved in 1.4.3.

So the short solution is, start Evo as 'evolution-1.4'. Upgrading would
even be better.

4. Send/Receive dialog uninformative
As I mentioned above, my three imap accounts are on the same server.
When I use Send/Receive, the dialog pops up with a list of the accounts
it is checking. That would be Server:, Server:, and of course, Server: See a trend
there? So, which is which?
Well, I remember that *was* email-address server format...

5. Order of email accounts on folders bar can't be changed
Murphy's Law, or a derivative thereof, seems to control my Folders bar.
My most important email account has landed at the bottom. My second-most
important account is at the top. I have to scroll often. And lets get
rid of Summary, Local Folders, and Other Contacts. I never use them.
The Folder Tree displays Summary and Local Folders at the top hard
coded. All other Folders are sorted in alphabetical order [1]. This
includes your IMAP folders as well as VFolders and Other Contacts.

To sort your IMAP accounts by precedence, you never thought aboiut
renaming them, did you? Preface them with a number...

The alphabetical order [1] even applies to all mail folders.

There is absolutely not Murphy involved.

[1]  "Alphabetical order" is controlled by your locale settings. Some
set uppercase before lowercase, some do not, some tread special chars in
a special way, ...

6. Save Draft needs a shortcut key
I'm one of those guys that feels odd writing on paper. Where's the save
button? In other words, I like the comfort of occasionally hitting save
as I type. I've saved this email as draft several times already.
Here it goes: Jut edit (as user root) the file


and set the missing accelerator. The following line is in this file just
as this, only missing the accelerator.

 <menuitem name="FileSaveDraft" verb="" _label="Save _Dr\aft"


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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