Re: [Evolution] Completely unload Evolution from memory.

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 04:32, guenther wrote:
Even after I close Evolution, I still see (in the output of the "ps"
command) some Evolution-related processes running into my system (and,
presumably, using some memory as well...).
You can use killev. It's a script to kill all evolution related
processes. It comes with Evolution.
That's correct for you and any 1.2.x versions.

Panos, as he uses Evo 1.4.x, should use 'evolution --force-shutdown'.
It's effectively the same...

Thanks for the advice - both of you.

I have to tell you that I noticed no difference between the two
commands, although "killev" was not in my shell path. It was stored,
though, in a directory, and, as soon as I created a symbolic link to it
within the "/bin" directory, I could easily use it (and it's a bit
quicker to type than the other version ;-)...).

Panos Platon Tsapralis,
Software Engineer, SAP-R/3 specialist,
Registered Linux User #305894,
Ximian Evolution (ver.1.4) on Red Hat Linux (8.0),
Athens, GREECE,
cell-phone: +306946462857, fax: +302108054420,
e-mail: panosplaton in gr, panosplaton hotmail com

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