Re: [Evolution] REMOVE Re: evolution digest, Vol 1 #311 - 12 msgs

On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 13:26, JM5379 sbcglobal net wrote:
can someone please shoot Ute and put this person out of our misery?
I tried signing up to the "Clueless Users Mailing list" (see but neither of the
ones that I know about exist any more (clueless mantis co uk and
clueless c2 org). Shame.

I wouldn't advocate doing this, but for those people that are annoyed by
this pointless stupidity, the following procmail rule may be of help:

        * ^From *u foellmer witen de
        !u foellmer witen de

Placed near the beginning of your ~/.procmailrc, you'll not see any more
of these unsubscribe requests.  Ute, on the other hand, will see every
one of them...
      Jeremy Prior  <jez netcraft com>
 Netcraft Ltd, Treenwood Ho, Rowden La, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 2AZ. UK
       Tel: +44-1225-867932 (direct-dial)  Fax: +44-8700-517767

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