Re: [Evolution] Drafts folder heading shows strange character in place of "D"

On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 01:49, Eric Lambart wrote:
Try a different font where, how?  I swear I tried all the ones in
gnome-font-properties, and as I said in my original post, Evolution is
not using any of them.  Or maybe it's gtklabel that's not using them.  I
dunno, but anyway, all my fonts have the capital letter D and know how
to show them.
Is it possible that Xft has just got horribly confused? It's just a
thought, but why not try this:

exit evolution
run evolution-1.4 --force-shutdown
log out
log in at console
rm ~/.fonts.cache-1
log out
log back in to GNOME
restart evolution

At least it might be worth a try ...

D. D. Brierton            darren dzr-web com
       Trying is the first step towards failure (Homer Simpson)

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