Re: [Evolution] Cannot Syncronize Handspring Visor Deluxe and Evolution 1.2.2 (SuSE 8.2)

Am Mon, 2003-06-09 um 01.53 schrieb Jim Jutte: 
Mark seemed to indicate the 1.4 might help out. I'm having the same
problem. What I'm using until I figure out how to get the two apps
together in JPilot and that seems to work very well. No email, but at
least I can synch everything else.


Now, I have downloaded Version 1.4 (incl. all depending packages (gnome
pilot) and it works!

Besides the fact that it is a newer version, this time I answered "Have
you ever synchronised your palm before" with no.

Previosly I answered with yes. I am not shure if there what is meant
there (as I syncronized with MS Outlook before and therefore user id
should have been set on the visor.). However, with version 1.2... it did
not work either if I answered with no to this question. 

Thanks a lot


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