Re: [Evolution] evolution taking 5+ minutes to shut down

On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 22:29, Not Zed wrote:
I suggest filing a bug (, well, after trying the
suggestion at the end of this text.

Yes, I'll wait a bit until I see if I can reproduce it reliably.

Curious, does X totally lock up, or just run like a pig?
well, it runs enough like a pig that although I'm able to move my mouse
cursor, X 4.3's mouse animation stops, and X itself stops handling focus
changes and all input until the "now closing down" window goes away. 

Other info that will help (if you dont supply it we'll ask anyway :)

 - the CAMEL_VERBOSE_DEBUG=1 log as suggested by Ettore (run
"CAMEL_VERBISE_DEBUG=1 evolution-1.3" in a terminal)
I will henceforth run evo this way.  =:)  I'll also log everything to a
file so that if it does happen, hopefully something useful will show up.

 - run evolution-1.3 in gdb.  Do some stuff, and quit so that things
start going haywire.  ctrl-c in gdb (if you can't ... that could be a
problem, try running it from a virtual console perhaps), and run 'thread
apply all bt' - this will show what code is running.

well, again, when this happens, I can't do squat.  Even though I start
evolution with "nice evolution", I can't even switch to a VC until evo's
done with its thing.  

syncing maildir folders should be almost instantaneous, so something's
getting screwed.  my guess is its the dreaded indexer-goes-nuts bug.  it
generates massive temporary files that then shrink back to normal size -
if it doesn't fill up the disk first.  could try rm'ing any *.ibex*
files in your folders, and restart.
well, I just checked the sizes on these and since I keep my Maildir
outside of $HOME/evolution, the only $HOME/evolution/**/*.ibex* files
that I can see are tiny.  

However, what you said makes perfect sense.  Like I said, my hard drive
goes absolutely bonkers when this happens, and from what I've seen in
the past (when copying large files/moving files/removing files, etc.)
with XFS, it seems that XFS takes up massive amounts of CPU to do
massive amounts of disk work--to the point that the system becomes
unusable until it's done.  Now, this was a while ago and I'm hoping that
XFS 1.2 has improved, but it just seems like this could be pointing to
XFS in some way (as a side-result of some fonky evo behavior).

Now, there's a couple of things that I can think of, given the above,
that might lend itself to this lock-up.  I normally don't "auto-expunge
trash on exit" with my $HOME/Maildir, which means, that I may have more
than several hundred entries in that vfolder at any given point in
time.  It would seem that this might be problematic.  What do you think?

Also, I currently have bogofilter/procmail sending spam into a
$HOME/Maildir/Spam Maildir, and though evolution doesn't see this
automatically get updated when procmail puts mail there (while evo is
running), I'm wondering if it realizes that there's a whole bunch of
mail there since last time it looked (when it's going to shut down) and
tries to deal with them there?  Like maybe it's updating the default,
un-deletable "Unmatched" VFolder, since the Spam Maildir is inside the
top-level Maildir that evo knows about?

Thanks for the reply, notzed.  =:)

On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 22:17, Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:
As a prelude, I am running evo 1.3.92 on debian sid, on a P4 1.8G laptop
with 1G of RAM.  I keep all of my mail in Maildir format in ~/Maildir,
which takes up 86M, and evolution of course has its own directory in
~/evolution, which takes up 18M.  All of my filesystems are
XFS--recently upgraded to kernel-space 1.2.  All your base are... no,

I typically suspend my laptop at the end of the work day and resume it
at home, then suspend and repeat the next day, etc.  Thus, I typically
leave eveolution running for days and days at a time.  

As of late, I've been noticing that evolution takes a REALLY long time
to shut down, and while it does so, X locks up until it is done.  I
notice that my hard drive is spinning constantly and at gkrellm's last
update, it shows my hda traffic at 2.6M/s+.  

I just rebooted yesterday for a new kernel and restarted evolution, then
suspended at end of day,  resumed last night, and closed evolution this
morning (note: evolution was running for less than 24 hours this time). 
It took 7 minutes between when evolution popped up it's "evolution is
closing" dialog window and when I finally was allowed to use my computer

My questions: 

- what in blazes is evolution doing between when it pops up its
"evolution is closing" window and when it's done?

- what in my described-above system could be contributing to this 7
minutes that I get to sit quietly and wait for the "now closing" window
to go away?

- is anyone else seeing this???

- even though I've started evo with "nice evolution", my system locks
completely and I'm unable to even switch to a VC.  Is there any way I
can debug this thing??


evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:22-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

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