RE: [Evolution] New build of Evo 1.4 ?

Thanks Not Zed.

Do you mind then sharing the manual fix with us? Not that my server _that_
broken, but I just want to be able to use Evolution again, which IMHO is the
best PIM out there.

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
From: Not Zed
To: Cabral, Carlson
Cc: 'Mark Gordon '; 'Jason Frisvold '; 'evolution lists ximian com '
Sent: 18/6/2003 16:33
Subject: RE: [Evolution] New build of Evo 1.4 ?

On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 04:45, Cabral, Carlson wrote:
How about the silly POP3 bug?? Has that been solved too or is it still
the process of being determined wether the ISP´s servers are broken or
is in
fact Evo 1.4 that is broken, since 1.2 worked fine with the same
g´damn POP
It is definetly the server that is at fault, but we have a workaround
already in cvs, and also a manual disable-extensions option for even
more broken servers.

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