RE: [Evolution] New build of Evo 1.4 ?

Which POP3 bug are you guys referring to?

Tom Hightower
Solutions, Inc

                      Not Zed                                                                                 
                      <notzed ximian com>          To:       "Cabral, Carlson" <ccabral craworld com>         
                      Sent by:                     cc:       "'Mark Gordon '" <mtgordon ximian com>, "'Jason 
Frisvold '"                   
                      evolution-admin lists         <friz corp ptd net>, "'evolution lists ximian com '" 
<evolution lists ximian com>      
                              Subject:  RE: [Evolution] New build of Evo 1.4 ?           
                      06/18/2003 03:33 PM                                                                     

On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 04:45, Cabral, Carlson wrote:
How about the silly POP3 bug?? Has that been solved too or is it still in
the process of being determined wether the ISP´s servers are broken or is
fact Evo 1.4 that is broken, since 1.2 worked fine with the same g´damn
It is definetly the server that is at fault, but we have a workaround
already in cvs, and also a manual disable-extensions option for even
more broken servers.

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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