Re: [Evolution] Expanding a digest with procmail and showing it as threaded

On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 20:59, Not Zed wrote:

[ re: procmail expanded digests won't thread ]

Maybe the digest form doesn't include the required in-reply-to and
references headers.

Check the headers in the individual messages ...
I checked, and yeah, that would be the problem.

Someome made us turn off using the subject for threading, so you dont
even get any fallback, although it probably wouldn't help terribly if
in-reply-to and references was missing.
Maybe put it back in as an option?  Or set it up something like how you
can define views now, for threads?

One other question on it.  Is there a way to make the preview window
start out with all the threads collapsed (and maybe a field for how many
msgs in the thread) ?


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