Re: [Evolution] Palm Synch Glitch -- Need Help

Running RH 9/XD2 here and `gpilotd` is found in:

[nesscg woman .unison]$ whereis gpilotd
gpilotd: /usr/include/gpilotd /usr/libexec/gpilotd


On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 23:14, Kraski Web Services wrote:
On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 19:51, Walt Pennington wrote:
Can you run gpilotd from the command line, do a sync, and then post the
results to the Evolution List?
I think I sent this directly to Walt by accident.  Hopefully, this'll go
to the list this time.  Anyway, I found a number of executables that
include gpilotd in the name, but none named just "gpilotd".  So, which
one do I need to try from commandline?  And should I remove the applet
from the Gnome panel for this test?

Bill Kraski

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com
Software Engineering IV,
McMaster University
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