Re: [Evolution] User impressions about Evolution

On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 04:47, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco wrote:
Hi all,
I have been playing with Evolution almost since the beginnings, but it's
only recently that I have switched from Mozilla Messenger to Evo on my
main Linux box (Evolution 1.4.4 on Mandrake Linux 9.2). Of course it was
only after I started using Evo day after day with a relatively big
message base (about 15-20.000 messages) that I started noticing things.
Here are my thoughts, mainly about things IMHO could work better; note
that I didn't read all of the FAQ, so if something is nicely explained
there just pass me the usual RTFM line ;)

1. I noticed that Evo is fast, really faster than MM on my 2200 Athlon
box; memory usage, OTOH, is much higher than I expected/remembered: is
it normal to reach 60Mb? why does it seem to increase with time?
Fortunately I have plenty of memory, but it was a mild shock noticing
that Evo starts a session with about 31-2 megs (in itself much more than
I remembered) and it might end up with almost 60 MB: is this related to
the amount of mails stored in the database?
yes. you're complaining about 60 megabytes? that's nothing. the more
mail you have, the more memory evolution uses. we do as much as we
reasonably can to keep memory usage down such as using string pools,
memory chunks, shared ref-counted objects, etc. If you know of a way to
make it use less memory, feel free to tell us about this new trick :-)

 and/or with the fact that I
use spamassassin to check incoming mails?
shouldn't be.

2. The UI is OK, or I'm getting used to it (waiting for Evo 2.0), but
there are some quirks: why can't I change accelerators/shortcuts as with
other GNOME apps?
because the bonobo menu items don't allow it. only gtk menus allow it,
and that was considered a bug. I don't think gtk2.0 allows this anymore.
(Nope, it doesn't. Just checked :-)

 f.i. I just had the habit to press N to go to the next
unread message, with Evo it's a rather unintuitive ], and I have to
press two keys; so I'd like to change the shortcut, but it seems to be
just use , and . - only 1 key.

3. Again on the subject of moving to the next unread message, using the
space bar should do just that (or at least move to the next message);
and when there aren't unread messages left, it would be nice to move to
the next folder (MM asks you if you want to do that, actually).
this has been discussed and found to be counter-intuitive. space should
scroll the message, but NOT jump to the next message. that behaviour
would be extremely annoying to a lot of users (including myself, who
*hates* that feature of mutt).

4. Threads aren't displayed very well: messages that should belong to
the same thread are dispersed according to their date in many different
huh? we thread according to in-reply-to and references headers. we don't
thread based on date. this makes no sense.

 This is quite annoying and, in some ways, unpredictable (i.e.
in certain folders threads behave better than in others), is this a
problem specific to the last Evo releases?
huh? no. likely a bug in the other clients you communicate with if
anything. they probably aren't properly setting the threading headers.

5. Another (minor) issue with threads: the grey/white line coloring is
great when order messages without threading, but is slightly confusing
when you use threads; it would be nice to differentiate between
differents threads alternating white for *all* messages that belong to a
thread, grey for all those that belong to the next one, and so on. Don't
know if the text widget allows this.
*shrug* might be a good idea. no one has ever suggested this before
afaik, perhaps submit it as a feature request for the GAL::ETree widget.

6. One last note about threads (I promise :) : add a "Mark all as read
in thread" command, would be a real time saver.
Edit->Select Thread
Edit->Mark As Read

it'd be silly to have a Mark All Messages In Thread As Read menu (not to
mention how long the label is...)

7. I have lots of folders and, as a consequence, lots of folder icons in
the folder bar: "special" (in the sense of "not a folder") icons like
Contacts, Calendar are scarcely visible among all other folder icons; as
the shortcut bar won't be there in Evo 2.0, take this into consideration
when deciding how and where to draw those special icons.
each component will have its own folder tree in 2.0

8. Import routines have their own quirks, for instance I had to import
manually all of my Mozilla folders because only Pine (?) was listed in
the "general" import dialog; and when importing Mozilla addressbooks, I
had to specify the format once or twice, because it wasn't recognized
there are probably bugs in bugzilla about this. if not, probably add
them (preferably with sample files etc)

9. Why is a HTML commands tool bar present in the mail composing window
even if I chose to not compose mails in HTML format?
because it still has some tools that are useful even in plain text

10. IMAP mail seems to have some problems (with this versions), but
others have already mentioned them on the list, so I won't go there
again; is there a way to have Evo automatically download all of the
messages available on the remote folder?
select the folder as an offline folder and evo will sync it to a local


Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Ximian, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -

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