Re: [Evolution] can't send mail with evolution

On Mit, 2003-10-22 at 13:39 +0200, Christoph Hermann wrote:
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 13:20:24 +0200
Michal Fresel <h9701439 wu-wien ac at> wrote:

this mailer is sylpheed (gtk2 port)  and it works really fine. but i want to
manage my mails, todo lists, addressbook.... with one tool.

OK, then it's maybe a config-prob. do you have "legitimation" when
sending mails checked for that profile? As i remember chello-mailserver
don't use any encryption/verification, neither when sending nor when
receiving. Do you send it using SMTP or sendmail (also in "sending-

i use SMTP with no verification (like in sylpheed).

for now I have to give up. As described in the RFC 
your error is the following:
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
            [This may include errors such as command line too long]

For now I have no idea what the error can be...
What I've realized: When sending a msg you get always another mailserver 
receiving your mail, maybe this prob only ocurs with that 
singele mailserver ""?
And only when sending "Mail FROM:..." to the server?


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