Re: [Evolution] backing up for restore after reinstall

all you have to do is:

tar czvf evolution.tar.gz evolution

evolution.tar.gz is your backup.

Then when you want to restore it

tar xzvf /paht/to/backup/evolution.tar.gz

This way it will only save the relative 'evolution' path in the archive.

You saved the full path to home in your tar file, which you didn't
really want.

For 'test 1', just do:

tar -zxvf /mnt/cdrom/backup_local.tar.gz -C /

So it untar's from /, since you have the full path in your archive.
(not normally recommended, but thats how you made it in the first

PS this is a little off topic, any general gnu/unix documentation should
cover basic tar operations like this

On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 20:40, Stephen Liu wrote:
Hi Not and other folks

I am trying to copy all email boxes of an USER, such Inbox, Outbox,
Sent, etc. from Evolution 1.4 running on a RH8.0 box to another
Evolution 1.4 running on a RH9.0 box, same USER, and encountered
difficulty as follows;

Steps taken
RH8.0 box
# mkdir /home/satimis/Temp/
# tar -zcvf /home/satimis/Temp/backup_local.tar.gz

Burnt the tarball on a CD

RH9.0 box
The CD was automatically mounted

# tar -zxvf /mnt/cdrom/backup_local.tar.gz -C

The tarball was decompressed to

I tried to copy a file/email from the untared Inbox to
/home/satimis/evolution/local/Inbox/  but it could not work.  Starting
Evolution could not see that email in the Inbox.  Maybe copying files or
folders/directories from the untared /home/satimis/evolution/local/ and
pasting the same to /home/satimis/evolution/local/ of RH9.0 are not the
correct procedure.

# tar -zxvf /mnt/cdrom/backup_local.tar.gz -C

I saw on the Konsole window the tarball has been decompressed but I
could not locate the decompressed folder/directory afterwords.

Could you please advise what shall be the correct syntax to tar
/home/satimis/evolution/local/  on RH8.0 box and untar the tarball on
RH9.0 box.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 06:07, Not Zed wrote:
Backup everything in ~/evolution for all email, calendar, addressbook,
vFolder and filters.

If you also need to keep configuration defaults, and mail accounts, then
also backup ~/.gconf/apps/evolution at least.

On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 19:37, Thinker wrote:
I am going to wipe my machine out and reinstall SuSE 8.2 tonight. What
do I need to do so that I don't lose any of my emails from evolution
1.4.4? I plan to burn my documents folder and whatever else I need to to
a disk before I wipe it all.

Thanks in advance.

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