Re: [Evolution] wrong smtp with no error?

Not necessarily.

The way electronic mail is delivered isn't much different to the way
physical mail is delivered.

i.e. it's just put in the letter box, and up to the post office to
determine if its valid and bounce an error, or just lose the mail or

Where post office is === smtp service in this context.

Most smtp servers do little checking on the mail at receive time, it is
just put in a queue.  A send process retrieves messages from the queue
and processes them.  Various types of errors can have the mail waiting
around for days before you get a rejected message (and its
configurable) .

On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 18:49 +0200, smurfd wrote:
Hey, was just wondering if anyone else than me have had a wrong (non
existing host) as a smtp server without getting any kind of errors? (im
using the 1.4.5 version of evolution that comes with Debian sarge)

Anyway, this is what happened to me. i Thought i sent alot of messages,
but i didnt get any response, so some of them i sent to that i know in
person, i rang up, and they hadnt recived any mail. then i saw that i
had .com instead of .net in my smtp adress.. clumsy, yes. but there
_should_ a errormessage.. especially if the host isnt available :)


/smurfd aka. Nicklas Boman

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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