Re: [Evolution] Unable to open addressbook

Hi Andre,

On Tue, 2004-04-06 at 08:31, Andre Klapper wrote:
looks like your wombat cannot be activated, so check if
"evolution-wombat" is running e.g. by
    top -b -n1 | grep evolution-w
there should be some output, on my computer it is e.g.:
    1467 andre 16 0 5992 5368 5216 S 0.0 2.1 0:01.91 evolution-womba

Well, aren't you the best Andre!

I started evolution-wombat from my main account with the same args as
the working secondary account.  Got a message about not being able to
locate  It is in the /opt/gnome/lib directory, which the
evolution script adds to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  So I created a symlink in
/usr/lib and voila!  I have contacts again.

Also, turned on the alarm when new mail arrives.  It works too.  I had
not been able to get that to work my secondary account.

Thanks so much from a very happy camper :>


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