Re: [Evolution] LDAP

Le ven 23/04/2004 à 00:56, Lonnie Borntreger a écrit :
I wasn't able to get authenticated access to my LDAP server until I
switched to 1.5 (.3 is when I switched - I think).  Now I'm running
1.5.7 (CVS as of yesterday)...... let me check........  now it DID allow
me to edit an entry, but when trying to save the changes it said the
addressbook backend for that LDAP addressbook died.  Another window said
something about not being able to update entry "U".
With OpenLDAP 2.1+, the default is to allow only LDAP v3, which is not
supported by Evolution until 1.4.6.
Just tell OpenLDAP to allow v2, and you'll be able to authenticate (if
everything else is correct, of course).


Jérôme Warnier

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