Re: [Evolution] Spellchecking

I'm using SuSE Professional 9.1, but these instructions should apply for

If you open SuSE's Yast utility (for me, it's under the System menu in
KDE), then go to Install/Remove Software.  There should be a "Filter"
drop down box -- change that to Search,  Search for "gnome-
spell" (without the quotes) -- that should give you a checkbox for that
package.  Check the checkbox, then search again for "aspell".  You're
looking for aspell-en, aspell-fr, and the mail aspell package.  Check
the checkboxes next to those package names and click "Install".  You'll
be prompted for whatever installation media you used in your initial
system install.

Hope this works for you.  If not, I'd be perfectly happy to help you do
it the hard way (via the command line).
Peter Ellis - pellis naturalaxis com
Web Design and Development Consultant
naturalaxis |

On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 16:35 -0400, Kelly J. Morris wrote:
On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 16:16, Mark Gordon wrote:
On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 16:14 -0400, Kelly J. Morris wrote:
How do I install spellchecking in Evolution 1.4.6 (SuSE Pro 9) for
English and, if possible, for French?

TIA Kelly Morris
9.1, I assume? That has 1.4.6, so I'll assume that's the version you
No, I have 9.0.  When I go to Evolution> Tools> Settings >Composer
Preferences >Spell Checking, the window is blank and I don't have any
languages to chosse from. 

You'll need the following packages:
Are these the same for 9.0? Where do I load them from - the SuSE DVD?

Thanks. Kelly Morris

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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