Re: [Evolution] Forward Attachments

The first email was a new messages to "evolution lists ximian com" with
a file called test.txt attached which contains the words "This is a

I then tried to send it to the "evolution lists ximian com" group via
forward, reply to all, reply. As you can see the forward, reply to all,
and reply all have NO attachment.

I have yet to do my reboot test ... day job getting in the way:>)

On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 20:09 +0100, Tom Wesley wrote:
On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 13:12 -0400, Wise, Jeremey wrote:
Simple "reply to all" from sent box of same email. Notice Attachment

Now I know it use to work in 1.5 as I have done dozens of forwards with
attachments. Something has to have changed. I will reboot box to ensure
it is not some such issue (as their is a Connector bug which crashes
evolution on occasion)

On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 13:09 -0400, Wise, Jeremey wrote:
On Sat, 2004-08-21 at 01:03 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
just forwarded a message and it came through complete.

Test attachment.

There is a file attached to your previous email called test.txt,
This is a test

Is this not the test attachment?

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