Re: [Evolution] [Solved] Problems syncing PALM with items containing czech (and other) UTF characters

Hello all,

Do you think it's possible to convert (recode) data during

Any hints appreciated.
wortunately, I was posted off-list with solution by a Czech colleague -
many thanks to Vaclav Capek.

Here's the solution: The main point to solve a problem is
library, part of the pilot-link package.

1) get libiconv ( if you don't
have it yet.

- unpack
- configure
- make, make install

It should end up with /usr/local/lib/ library.

2) get pilot-link ( if you don't have it yet.

- unpack
- change libpisock/util.c at line 35 where is PILOT_CHARSET defined
(I've changed it to ISO8859-2
- configure - configure should find libiconv support and report it as
- make, make install

It should put library to /usr/local/lib directory

3) restart gpilotd

During next synchronization it should convert whole Evo content to
desired encoding - works sleamlessly in both directions for me.


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