Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.5 problems.

On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 04:01 +0100, guenther wrote:
If I try to delete either of these unwanted folders, I don't
even get an error message -- it just issues a LIST to the IMAP folder
for them, finds that they don't really exist, and silently does nothing.
File a bug. ;)
Got a better idea -- here's a patch. This user-confusing noise really
shouldn't be enabled by default, so it can come back when there's a UI
option for it. It even blocks access to my _real_ junk and trash
folders, doesn't it?

--- camel-store.c       9 Dec 2003 03:21:37 -0000       1.127
+++ camel-store.c       20 Jan 2004 07:20:34 -0000
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ camel_store_init (void *o)
                store->folders = NULL;
        /* set vtrash and vjunk on by default */
-       store->flags = CAMEL_STORE_VTRASH | CAMEL_STORE_VJUNK;
+       store->flags = 0;
        store->dir_sep = '/';


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