Re: [Evolution] Blank From - blank Subject - ? Date

søn, 25.01.2004 kl. 15.18 skrev John J. Foster:

You say "for months", but kernel 2.6.1 has only been available for a
week or so. When did you go over to Fedora Core one? I've seen enough
"strange" and unexplainable things happening with Fedora to put a large
question mark against use of it. And I've been an avowed RedHat person
for years, still am - but Fedora? No.
Clarification needed! I started using Evo for email around August 2003,
running on RH9. I switched to FC1 about 2 weeks after it came out. I've
since been playing around with the 2.6.[0,1] kernels in order to better
more satisfactory performance out of a SATA drive. Evo is still run
under the standard FC1 kernel.
I honestly can't help. I run my own (Courier 2.2.2) IMAP server under RH
RHEL 3 (Gnome 2.2) with self-compiled kernel 2.6.0 ACPI and Evo 1.4.5.
No problems.Fedora seems to be divided into two camps: Those who have no
problems and swear by it, and those who get the strangest, non-related

I think that the best course would be, if other Evo
users with differing distros reported the same experience as you or not,
as the case may be.



mail: billy - at -

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