Re: [Evolution] How to get 1.4.6 to see splash.png, button images, icons, etc?

Starting with Gtk+-2.0, gdk-pixbuf is actually now a part of Gtk2 and
not a separate package afaik.
That's right

(evolution:5932): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Error loading XPM image loader: 
Image type 'xpm' is not supported
On SuSE 9.0, /etc/opt/gnome/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders says that this
file is the appropriate loader for XPM:
/opt/gnome/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/loaders/ - it's
provided by the 'gtk2' package.  Make sure it's in place, and hasn't
been deleted for some reason.

In the same directory, is the loader for PNG.
James Ogley, Webmaster, Rubber Turnip james rubberturnip org uk Jabber: riggwelter myjabber net
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