Re: [Evolution] 2004.11.22: Port My Email to New evolution.

On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 23:41 +0100, guenther wrote:
I am using Linux Fedora Core 2, with Evolution Ver:1.4, but I
 downloaded Linux Fedora Core 3, and install on second system.
As you are running FC3 and Evolution 2.0.x on /another/ machine (or did
you install FC3 into a different, sparse partition? would mean the
same), I assume that those machines do not share the same $HOME over a
network file system.

Then the new Version sure cannot migrate your old settings and data,
until you copy them over to the new machine.

If this is not the case or if you are in doubt, please describe your
issue more verbosely and do not follow the instructions below blindly.
Backups come in handy *always*. Paranoia safes your day.

I see Evolution is upgrage, but can not read evolution directory of
 Evolution 1.4, and I want port my Emails to this new version.
Can you help me?
I want know a way for port Emails from Evolution Ver:1.4 to This new
First of all, you need to copy your old data to the new machine/system.

Before doing this, you need to take some precautions. Please read till
the end, before following this steps.

* Run 'gconftool-2 --shutdown' to shut down the GConf daemon on /both/
systems, before copying the data in ~/.gconf around. Recent changes
might not be synced to disk otherwise.

* Run 'evolution --force-shutdown' after closing Evolution on /both/
systems, to shut down the backend tasks as well. e-d-s holds your data
like Contacts in memory, and recent changes might not be synced

* Make sure both apps are shut down, while copying the data. Other apps
can (and will at some point) respawn GConf daemon, and the Clock applet
integrates and therefore respawns e-d-s in latest Gnome versions (since
Gnome 2.8, shipping with FC3 IIRC).

When copying your data to another $HOME or restoring from backup, shut
down the mentioned apps before. If not, Evolution will continue to use
the data that already is in memory (e-d-s and gconf) rather than using
the just copied data.
Copying the Evo data in this case means the /old/ 1.4 data. Thus your
~/evolution directory.

Evolution 2.0 will use the hidden ~/.evolution directory.

Follow the above instructions *only*, if you did *not* set up any mail
accounts, retrieved mails, added contacts, etc. on your *new* machine
(running Evo 2.0). Otherwise, they will be overwritten!

you don't tell us which version your "new version" is, so i guess that
it is version 2.0.x. :-)
FC3 ships with 2.0.x, IIRC. :)

normally evolution-2.0 should *automatically* migrate your old
evolution-1.4 data. perhaps a look at guenther's migration faq at
could help you/give you some hints.
Yeah, probably. But his issue as I understand it, is the lack of old 1.4
data. Which means, the data in ~/.gconf/apps/evolution should be
overwritten, rather than messing around with version keys and still not
having any accounts set up... ;-)


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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