Re: [Evolution] Removing local deletions from Server

Hi Iain,

Thanks for the info about the deletions of the local mail. I'm not a
developer, so I would appreciate it if you could do some tracking. 

Is there a rpm that I could use of the 2.0 to install on the SuSe 9.1?
I'm still learning how to do it the tar way. It becomes tricky for me
especially if other dependencies are required. 


On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 04:53, Iain Buchanan wrote:
On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 23:52 +0100, Forum Mail GMX Net wrote:
I'm new to Linux (SuSe 9.1) and the accompanying Evolution 1.4.6. So far
it is great!
they don't ship with 2.0?

I have three questions:

1. Like Outlook, is there a way to automatically delete the mails on the
server that are deleted in Evolution, but keep the others there? 
I looked into this issue once (there is a bugzilla about it somewhere)
in the early 1.x days, and the answer was no, evolution was never going
to do this.  That was a while ago though, so things might have changed.

not much help I know, but you could try searching bugzilla.

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