Re: [Evolution] evolution 2 on debian unstable..

On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 11:37 +1000, simran wrote:
Hi All, 

Anyone know when Evolution2 is going to hit debian/unstable? 
Be brave!  Try Experimental.  Add these 2 lines to sources.list,
  # apt-get update && apt-get -t experimental install evolution

deb ../project/experimental main
deb experimental main

v2.0.1 works like a charm with Sid.  It's what I'm using now, with
an otherwise-pure Sid, running Gnome 2.6.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B

"'He insulted me, he cheated me, he beat me, he robbed me' --
those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace."

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