Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.0.1

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 16:33 -0700, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
Is there a way to get sent messages into the IMAP sent folder?
This way, I can see them on another (W98) box that uses Mozilla.
Your question isn't terribly clear, but I suspect that what you want to
do is change the place where messages sent from Evolution are placed.
You do this in your IMAP account's settings, under the "Defaults" tab.
You probably want to change the two target folders to "INBOX/Drafts" and

Once you've done that, you can simply select all messages in Evolution's
*local* ("On This Computer") Sent folder, and drag them to your IMAP
Sent folder, and they'll be accessible anywhere your IMAP account is.


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