Re: [Evolution] Evo splitting messages in odd ways

On Tue, 2004-10-19 at 09:59, Nigel Metheringham wrote:
On Tue, 2004-10-19 at 09:47 -0400, Norman P. B. Joseph wrote:
Every so often Evo seems to split an incoming message in two.  The
symptoms are usually a message with the bottom half missing, sometimes
right after the headers, sometimes further into the body, and a second
message in my inbox with no subject, no sender, and no date in the
message listing pane, and when I display it it invariably looks like the
tail end of some other message.
Is this happening at random points in the message, or could it be
happening where the first word on a line is "From "?
It -appears- to be random.  I never paid close attention to it (too much
"real" work to get done) until another user started pointing it out.

Mail here is delivered locally to a mailhub machine whose
/var/spool/mail directory is NFS mounted to clients like mine.  
Thats brave.  I tried that for a while 10 years back, and decided that
NFS locking was such that there was no way I was going to do mbox
delivery over NFS (unless there was ever only one machine touching the
In practice here for nearly ten years it has never proved to be an
issue.  I don't discount that it -could- be an issue, but I can't grant
it too much weight without more evidence pointing that way.


 Norman Joseph, System Engineer             joseph ctc com        IC|XC
 Concurrent Technologies Corporation         814/269.2633         --+--
 Federal Systems Group/IT & Systems Engineering                   NI|KA

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