Re: [Evolution] evo 2

On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 15:08 -0400, jack wallen wrote:
not only that but the debate about making it 4 separate components?
hello!!!! that would be a serious step backwards i would think. 
Woah - what debate where? :-) 

I'd *much* prefer seperate components because I've never used the task
or calendar components in all the months I've been using Evolution - and
of course the Unix philosophy is to have lots of small bits that do one
well-defined job and *then* string 'em all together as neded, not the
huge bloat of the Microsoft world.

All I want is a good mail app - nothing more, nothing less (and Evo does
extremely well in that regard, despite my frequent grumbles on this
list ;) 

So big thumbs up from me if I can just install what I need rather than
what someone else *thinks* I need :-)



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