Re: [Evolution] Evo on MDK 10.0-1

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 09:06, Alexandre Aractingi wrote:
Le vendredi 24 septembre 2004 à 08:53 -0400, Ray Auge a écrit :
Great but which REPO. Are you telling me that Evo2.0 is a standard
update in 10.1?
In 10.1 Evo2.0 is the default. If you want it on 10.0 I heard that
Mandrake was to release an RPM in their 'update' repositories, but for
now I've only seen it shipped with 10.1. 
OK, I'm excited now. Have you or anyone you've heard of tried the
Groupwise integration?

(I'm gonna pitch this at work if it works well.)

Ray Auge <rayauge doublebite com>
Make sure to visit 
to see what I've been up to.

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